Message from Ashraf K.P

Dear Esteemed Members and Friends,

I am delighted to announce the launch of the brand-new Indian Pharmacists Association Qatar (IPAQ) website. As the President of IPAQ, it gives me immense pleasure to unveil this digital platform, which is designed to better serve our community and enhance our connection with you.

Our new website,, has been meticulously crafted to provide a user-friendly experience and offer valuable resources to pharmacists, healthcare professionals, and the public alike.

Our commitment to promoting excellence in pharmacy practice, professional development, and community engagement remains unwavering. This new website is a testament to our dedication to serving you better and fostering a stronger community of pharmacists in Qatar.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the IPAQ Executive Committee, web development team, and all those who contributed to this project. Your hard work and dedication have made this achievement possible.

I encourage each and every one of you to visit our new website at, explore its features, and provide us with your valuable feedback. Your input will help us continue to improve and cater to your needs effectively.


In life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles that may test our resolve and determination. However, it is during these moments that our true strength and resilience shine through. As members of IPhAQ, you have demonstrated time and again that you are capable of rising above adversity, innovating in the face of change, and pursuing excellence relentlessly.

Today, I want to remind you of the immense potential that resides within you. You are not just pharmacists; you are agents of positive change in the healthcare landscape of Qatar and beyond. You hold the power to make a significant impact on the well-being of individuals and communities. Your knowledge, skills, and dedication are the driving forces behind the advancements in pharmaceutical care and healthcare as a whole.

Never underestimate the influence you have, both as individuals and as part of this dynamic association. Whether you’re working on the frontlines of healthcare, conducting groundbreaking research, or educating the pharmacists of tomorrow, your contributions are invaluable.

Let us continue to support one another, share our insights, and foster an environment of collaboration and growth within IPhAQ. Together, we can achieve even greater heights and shape the future of pharmacy practice in Qatar.

As you pursue your professional goals and aspirations, remember that challenges are opportunities in disguise. Embrace them with courage, learn from them with humility, and let them fuel your determination to excel.

I invite you to dream big, set audacious goals, and work tirelessly to achieve them. Remember that your journey is not defined by the destination but by the experiences, growth, and impact you create along the way.

Thank you for being an integral part of IPhAQ, and for inspiring us all with your dedication and passion. Together, we are not just shaping the future of pharmacy; we are shaping a brighter and healthier future for our communities.

Stay inspired, stay focused, and continue to make us proud.

With boundless gratitude and admiration,

Ashraf K.P

Indian Pharmacists Association Qatar (IPhAQ)